
I am a Registered Nurse that is very passionate about our Country. I work in a faith based hospital. A devout Catholic, who believes that life is the most precious of gifts and that it begins at conception. I fully support our rights as layed out in our Constitution, freedom of speech, freedom to assemble and the freedom to bear arms.

47 responses to “About

  1. Larry Kleckner

    A great blog. Agree with everything you stand for.

  2. Thank you so much! Hope you continue to come back and visit! Greatly appreciate your support!

  3. Love your blog! Check out our website http://www.thedisposableheroesproject.com we’re raising money for the Wounded Warrior Project and any help would be wonderful. Lets give something back to these warriors.

    • Thank you so much and yes, I will visit you website! The warriors definitely all the support that we can gather! Please come back, each Monday I do a blogpost honoring our Military in honor of #MilitaryMonday on twitter

  4. M & J Thompson

    Thanks for all that you do Erica,

    you are a modern day Patriot keep up the great work sure is appreciated. We just signed up at logschoice, thanks for the invite we noticed the link from one of your tweets.

    Monroe ~ Sassafras_Knob

    • Thank you for your kind words, I am very concerned with all that is happening and feel it is our duty to speak out! I am very passionate regarding this topic!! This is one voice that will be hard to silence!!! Hope you enjoy the site, Logical Choice Action Group! Its a great site with many like minded people!

  5. M & J Thompson

    Just signed up @ Logical Choice Action Group per your invite link through twitter.

    Thanks for all the effort you make, you are a true modern day Patriot Erica,

    Monroe ~ Sassafras_Knob

  6. M & J Thompson

    oops sorry about the double post, been hopping all over multiple groups and tweets today all in the life these days,

    yes we will only gain momentium leading up to the 2010 midterms


  7. Hi, I am a Respiratory Therapist who also has a fierce loyality to our beloved country that is being turned rapidly into a Socialist State right before our eyes. It has been happening slowly & incidiously over the last 60-100 years, & now is being hammered through so rapidly that no one can even keep ahead of what is happening, so one day soon, we will wake up and find all our rights will be gone except the few the “GOVT” decides we can have. (GOOGLE: HJ Res 5) it will repeal the term limits on the President…last step to socialism, next thing, only 1 name will be on the ballot. Uncle BO said if anyone had a better idea on how to reform healthcare, he’d be open to hearing it. I went to Barney Frank’s so called “town hall meeting” to try and give a BETTER idea, but he wasn’t listening to anyone. It was all for show and he was so incredibly rude and obnoxious to those who pay him that it was a waste of my time & effort, but I need to keep trying. I will be in DC on 9/12 with my daughter. I think we need to have any lawyers out there who know what wording is required, to write up petitions for each of the 50 states, for all to sign who will be in DC at our 9/12 rally, that will cut our Senators & Congressmen’s salaries by 1/4th. They are taking their salaries out of our pockets at “gun point” without our input, I think it is time we showed them WE the PEOPLE” have the POWER! Then after the rally, each petition get signed further by those who can’t afford to attend the rally, and then have them submitted as reforendums to be voted on, and take some of our money back! They need to understand they work for the Taxpayer, and make sure they can never give themselves raises without asking our permission. I can’t put a gun to my bosses head and tell them they are going to give me more money!I was called by Fox & Friends to speak about Barney Franks Town hall meeting, which I did, but my purpose of going in the first place was to submit that instead of having the “Govt” who knows NOTHING about the needs of the healthcare profession, have the GOOD people in the healthcare industry like my privately owned hospital, (not corporate owned) who all management at all levels including board & CEO took voluntary pay cuts to keep from having to lay anyone off. There are good people in all aspects of healthcare including insurance, pharmacuticals, who if we all got together and each gave a little from their profit to manage to cover all including people with so called “pre-existing” conditions. Until they are diagnosed, all conditions are pre-existing. There are SO MANY CREATIVE ways we could cover all & pay for it, without the Federal Govt opening another overwhelming agency that still has no idea what we need, trying to tell us what we need to do. Just look at JCAHO! Tort reform, a much needed reform, since people must accept in a business where there are HUMANS helping humans, & unlike other businesses where a product comes out inferior, it gets recycled or scraped, we have to have a little understanding that ALL HUMANS, including the one who might have gotten minor harm, but with no long lasting effects, should not be allowed to destroy a good decent human being for making a HUMAN mistake. I agree that those with serious, long lasting harm, that can be shown was done out of gross negligence, or incompetance, should be compensated, and the healthcare worker be seriously punished or removed from practice all together, but lawyers who make a cut of the profit aren’t willing to say, sorry, I see no real cause for this case, but will try to get as much as they can because it means a bigger bottom line for themselves. BO will not sign any bill if “TORT” reform is in it! First off the federal Govt should NOT be even doing any of this, and since obviously they believe they have some kind of right to do so, NO bill should be created with a “public option” Govt speak for Taxpayer paid for, and without “TORT” reform, who would protect good HUMAN healthcare workers who may have made a small mistake, where no serious harm is done. Report mistakes, to a health quality board, and allow healthcare workers to decide if punishment is required, as most of us want the bad to be weeded out because they make us all look bad, or maybe extra training might be needed, or a change in procedure, etc. But Lawyers are in it for THEIR bottom line!

    • I totally agree and I myself will be joining you and hopefully millions of others in Washington on September 12,2009. We must at all cost continue to stand up and fight for our rights that are being stomped on by our own government! Thank you for such an eloquent comment and hope you continue to visit my blog. I stand with you!

  8. I am so happy to see nurses standing up against nationalized healthcare! The ANA would have us all believe Obama’s healthplan is the only choice for nurses…and their patients. God Bless all the nurses who are not afraid to speak up against organized nursing organizations’ support of Obama’s healthcare plan.

    • In my humble opinion the ANA are a group of nurses that have forgotten what its like to be at the bedside and are caught up with trying to appease the ones they think can help them get ahead in their search of power and prestige! That is not way I chose to be a nurse. I am merely excercising my 1st amendment rights of freedom of speech and will continue to do so until the last breath leaves my body!! Thank you for your support!

  9. I like this blog. The points have been passed over because of a sensory overload. Pundit Charles Krauthammer says that Obama is an arrogant man. He certainly is arrogant and foolish to believe he can rule like a tin horn dictator in the home of the brave.

  10. I was going through some images to put on a web site that I am building for teaparty patriots. I was wondering if you would allow me to use the image of the constitution with the flag in it? Also on your home page under the image, you have a verse I would like to use. I hope and pray you will allow me to use both, also I am going to share your site with others that stand as we do for our country.

    • Yes, I would love for you to use the photo and the quote and I appreciate you citing my site. I am having some trouble at the moment with posting new photos and videos but hope to have that resolved. Appreciate your visit and the time you took to comment!

  11. sounds like someone is concerned they’re going to lose their job like the rest of americans or that they might have to work harder..

    i’m not going to dignify your blog with correct grammer or effort just a post to inform ANYONE WHO PAID ATTENTION to the videos you posted about OUR AWESOME PRESIDENT!!

    that they’re fabricated OPINIONS and only that.. no facts…. anyone can put together a youtube doesn’t make it a fact..

    in regards to a fake birth certificate that’s irrelevant..

    you believe we’re turning socialist.. BECAUSE OF HEALTHCARE!!!

    have you heard anything about the govmnt deciding what job you’ll work and how much money you’ll make???


    because we’re only attempting to PREVENT THOSE PEOPLE WHO ARE DYING ALREADY!!!

    get your head out of your ass and take a look at how many people are dying daily because of lack of health care..



    but I’m sure it’s safe to assume you ALL BELIEVE IN GOD TOO…


    just another ignorant god fearing bottom feeder..

    • I only posted this to show my readers that there are still those out there that are demented into thinking this president, (ahem), is awesome! A blog is based on opinions, oh most uninformed, reader and therefore the videos I chose to post reflect my opinion. Worried about losing my job? Not hardly, we do need changes in our health-care system but not the kind that Pelosi, Reid and [ahem] Obama are proposing. We can’t prevent anyone from dying, it is a natural course of life, you are born, you live and you die, the government has no control over that! As far as you saying, “AND FOR A NURSE!!! TO SAY THAT IF SHE DOESN’T GET PAID GOOD DOLLARS TO ASSIST A DOCTOR IN PUTTING A CAST ON.. THAT SHE WON’T DO IT?? ” not sure where that is coming from either, we don’t do “piece” work, nor do we get to decide on whom we provide care. Maybe you should lay off the kool aide and get a grip on reality and then maybe, just maybe you won’t sign another blog with ” just another ignorant God [notice the capitalization] fearing bottom feeder…and yes, to answer your question regarding our creator, I am truly a Believer!

  12. WOW!

    All I can do is laugh! So hard I am unable to type! U8w4yp0tq8gharhar.aurqrgrgargarn LOL

    A mind….is a terrible thing to waste!

    Nuff said!

    Bro Jer

    • Thanks Jer! appreciate you taking time to see the stuff that gets posted here!! It does humor one at some point and then sooner of later you gotta feel sorry for them! I loved the part about the “birth certificate being irrelevant!!!” Its about our Constitution and how they are trying to rewrite history in a manner that completely changes our foundation! Oh my!

  13. I am another Patriotic Nurse who enjoys your blog and Tweets. Keep up the good fight. Blog on.

    • Thank you for your time to visit!!! There are a lot of us out there!! I marched with several when in DC back in September!!!

  14. Excellent Blog Lady!!

    I am impressed, and Thank You!

  15. Hi, i’ve been come to your homepage and it seem really great. I’m create a site and struggling to make it look good. How hard was it to build your site? Could someone like me, an amateur make that? I really want to write in my blog something like this. Just for your info your home page seem broken when I visiting using Blackberry.

    • Its not hard doing a blog, just have to come up with an idea and then go for it! I started just this past April and moved to word press in July, this is my 1st time blogging and have enjoyed it tremendously. I did it all by myself with some mentoring from a good friend and fellow blogger. Not sure about your phone issues, as I often have trouble accessing it from mine, think its set up differently via mobile, but not really sure. Appreciate your visit!

  16. Hi,

    I am sorry to say that I disagree with you fundamentally on a number of issues. Being British, and enjoying one of the best healthcare systems in the world, I would urge Americans to take up a more humane healthcare plan than what you currently have. Your current system is AWFUL, ranked 47 in the world, behind Serbia. One of the highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world, all down to the fact that your system is based on Capitalism. There are some things that do not work under free-market principles. You say you fear ‘socialized medicine’, but you have ‘socialized justice’, ‘socialized military’, ‘socialized firemen’, ‘socialized education’. Health Care has to be owned by the people, for the people. That is what our system here in the UK is, and it saves lives. It also reduces crime rates. If you can’t afford a life-saving operation, you are highly likely to engage in illegal activity, after all, what do you have to lose?

    Anyway, to conclude, I came on to your blog after doing some research for my degree work on Socialism, and I would like to ask you to learn what it is before you use it so freely and incorrectly. Obama may have socialist elements, like any political system, but he is not a ‘hard-socialist’ or ‘communist’.

    Anyway, what is so bad about believing you should help your fellow man, and having a system based on co-operation instead of competition?

    • First of all the fact that you are British tells me that you are clearly uninformed of this administration. I care less what you think or feel about our health-care system. I am a part of it and take pride in the work we do. We turn NO one away! I do not agree with Obama’s agenda to provide government health-care here in America, plain & simple. We left Britain many years ago to get away from a kings rule and to think that 200 plus years later I would care what you think is absolutely ridiculous. You have made your statement. Good luck in your degree.

  17. I’m Canadian and I don’t understand why many Americans are happy to spend their tax money to replace bridges, fill potholes, put out fires and subsidize banks, and yet have so much trouble with the idea of funding replacement hips and heart valves. Shame on you.

    • Are you serious???? Shame on “you” for not knowing the facts-many canadians are crossing the border to obtain the procedures you just outlined! I will agree, shame on our government for subsidizing the banks, but when it comes to health care we provide the best, only now this administration wants to compromise it, “shame on him.”

  18. No one needs to read any of Karl Rove’s new book in order to know that, because of his past, Karl Rove is a lying criminal who is revered by the right, and reviled by the Left!

    • Where on earth did this come from and why did you even post it under this part of my blog?? Opinions are like many body parts, and we often share them! Get my drift?

  19. It is good to see a female nurse who is politically aware. I am a male ICU nurse and find most nurses are woefully ignorant of politics and what is going on in this country. I find it odd since most are smarter than your average bear. Keep up the good fight. I’m going to put you on my blogroll on http://realamericanpolitics.wordpress.com/

    • Thank you for the visit, looking forward to visiting your site!!! I agree with your assessment of most nurses! This one (myself) is one that refuses to remain silent!

  20. An e-mail I received caused me to find your January 5 posting. I will link to it in my blog posting July 14. We appear to think somewhat alike but you are more lucid. If you wish, you can check at http://www.linden-would.blogspot.com

  21. Erica, you have fashioned a classic blog sight…sensible, fair minded, and indicative of your devotion and commitment to core principals. I will make it a favorite and I shall return.

  22. I have developed a list which I would like you to reference or post on your site. It shows all of the opponents of the 219 House Dems who voted in March 2010 to pass Obamacare by listing the House Dems by state, district, general geographic area of district, and membership in the Congressional Progressive Caucus. This list is currently posted on the following website which you may want to link to:


    The Docs4PC website also has an interesting WSJ article written by
    a doctor to his patients, “Dear Patients — please vote to repeal Obamacare”.

    If you would like me to forward a copy of the list in a PDF or EXCEL format which you can change in any way you wish to fit your purposes, please let me know asap — we only have 26 more days until the election. Hopefully, this list will encourage people to contribute to or vote for the opponents!

    Joy Putnam

  23. Great job Erica – especially about the birth certificate. We’re either a nation of laws or not — it is NOT irrevelant. Unfortunately we have become a nation that has morphed from a Federal Government with strong states rights to a National Government where the National government dictates. In the beginning we were the united States — no capital “U” Please give me a follow at Beyond The Tea Party on facebook and lets attack the beast from many different angles. Thanks for what you’re doing – Scott

    • Thank you Scott, appreciate your visit, its been awhile since I’ve had the time to write and so much to write about! Most definitely on friending you on FB, my profile picture is a woman with her head draped with the Flag. We have a lot facing us and November is just the beginning, just wish more people knew what we are facing as a nation. God Bless you! I have my blog linked to FB also and you can choose to follow it from there also!

  24. Stumbled on your blog via a photo that is being shared by others on FB. I also am a patriotic, Catholic nurse and hygienist who is in agreement with you, and I LOVED your response above to the anonymous poster.

    I’ve seen the sub-standard care paid for by Medicaid/Medicare in the dental area, as well as the lack of providers, because they are not paid enough to warrant providing that care…. I don’t want that for medical care!

    God bless!

  25. You definitely know how to bring an issue to light and make it important. More people need to read this and understand this side of the story.

  26. concealdcarrier

    Hey, It’s Josh, @concealdcarrier – I’m taking a break from FB and Twitter for a bit. Gonna start blogging some things… Hope you stay in touch, and read my boring blogs.. HA

    • It was good seeing you for a brief moment last night 3-8-11 on twitter, I have been hibernating LOL and have been on and off twitter for the past few days!

  27. Dear friend, I’ve not other mode to talk with you. Sorry. But I want write to you this email.
    Dear friend,

    On the occasion of the beatification of John Paul II, the Pontifical
    Council of Social of the Vatican and the Vicariate of Rom, in
    collaboration with Vatican Radio, have undertaken an important
    initiative of faith and communication.

    The initiative is called the “Digital Sentinels” and aims to create
    groups of Catholics, both young and old, on the web and especially on
    Facebook and Twitter to bring the figure and words of the new Blessed
    to the digital world.

    You can find a complete description of the initiative at this website:


    But the big event that the “digital sentries” are organizing will be
    even more innovative: through the official Twitter channel (opened by
    the Vatican for the beatification of the Pope
    http://twitter.com/#!/Pope2YouVatican) and the Facebook page of
    Vatican Radio ((http://www.facebook.com/#!/vatican.johnpaul2)) it will
    be possible to follow the celebrations of the beatification.

    It will also be possible to follow the streaming feed on the
    Pope2You.net site – the feed is also available for iPhone and iPad.

    This is another great step for the Church in the digital world, an
    event of prayer and evangelization that cannot be missed by Catholics
    around the globe.

    Thank you for listening to me and I would also like to request you, if
    possible, to spread the news through your own channels. All requests
    for information can be directed to the following address:


  28. Hi, I am a Respiratory Therapist who also has a fierce loyality to our beloved country that is being turned rapidly into a Socialist State right before our eyes. It has been happening slowly & incidiously over the last 60-100 years, & now is being hammered through so rapidly that no one can even keep ahead of what is happening, so one day soon, we will wake up and find all our rights will be gone except the few the “GOVT” decides we can have. (GOOGLE: HJ Res 5) it will repeal the term limits on the President…last step to socialism, next thing, only 1 name will be on the ballot. Uncle BO said if anyone had a better idea on how to reform healthcare, he’d be open to hearing it. I went to Barney Frank’s so called “town hall meeting” to try and give a BETTER idea, but he wasn’t listening to anyone. It was all for show and he was so incredibly rude and obnoxious to those who pay him that it was a waste of my time & effort, but I need to keep trying. I will be in DC on 9/12 with my daughter. I think we need to have any lawyers out there who know what wording is required, to write up petitions for each of the 50 states, for all to sign who will be in DC at our 9/12 rally, that will cut our Senators & Congressmen’s salaries by 1/4th. They are taking their salaries out of our pockets at “gun point” without our input, I think it is time we showed them WE the PEOPLE” have the POWER! Then after the rally, each petition get signed further by those who can’t afford to attend the rally, and then have them submitted as reforendums to be voted on, and take some of our money back! They need to understand they work for the Taxpayer, and make sure they can never give themselves raises without asking our permission. I can’t put a gun to my bosses head and tell them they are going to give me more money!I was called by Fox & Friends to speak about Barney Franks Town hall meeting, which I did, but my purpose of going in the first place was to submit that instead of having the “Govt” who knows NOTHING about the needs of the healthcare profession, have the GOOD people in the healthcare industry like my privately owned hospital, (not corporate owned) who all management at all levels including board & CEO took voluntary pay cuts to keep from having to lay anyone off. There are good people in all aspects of healthcare including insurance, pharmacuticals, who if we all got together and each gave a little from their profit to manage to cover all including people with so called “pre-existing” conditions. Until they are diagnosed, all conditions are pre-existing. There are SO MANY CREATIVE ways we could cover all & pay for it, without the Federal Govt opening another overwhelming agency that still has no idea what we need, trying to tell us what we need to do. Just look at JCAHO! Tort reform, a much needed reform, since people must accept in a business where there are HUMANS helping humans, & unlike other businesses where a product comes out inferior, it gets recycled or scraped, we have to have a little understanding that ALL HUMANS, including the one who might have gotten minor harm, but with no long lasting effects, should not be allowed to destroy a good decent human being for making a HUMAN mistake. I agree that those with serious, long lasting harm, that can be shown was done out of gross negligence, or incompetance, should be compensated, and the healthcare worker be seriously punished or removed from practice all together, but lawyers who make a cut of the profit aren’t willing to say, sorry, I see no real cause for this case, but will try to get as much as they can because it means a bigger bottom line for themselves. BO will not sign any bill if “TORT” reform is in it! First off the federal Govt should NOT be even doing any of this, and since obviously they believe they have some kind of right to do so, NO bill should be created with a “public option” Govt speak for Taxpayer paid for, and without “TORT” reform, who would protect good HUMAN healthcare workers who may have made a small mistake, where no serious harm is done. Report mistakes, to a health quality board, and allow healthcare workers to decide if punishment is required, as most of us want the bad to be weeded out because they make us all look bad, or maybe extra training might be needed, or a change in procedure, etc. But Lawyers are in it for THEIR bottom line!

  29. Greetings. Would love to connect with like minded nurses and decided to google conservative nurse. Having read the health care act I am very concerned. The biggest kept secret about the health care act is that it is not at all about health care but instead is about the total collapse of the health care system, building up of an infrastructure for a gov. run /controlled health ‘care’ program, and the establishment of a total and complete totalitarian system of control. It is also ALL about the government taking over control of the youth. I am looking at working on a series of programs in the coming year to educate the public about what is actually in the health care act and how it will destroy our country. If you are interested in learning more , please contact me.

  30. That is the precise blog for anyone who needs to find out about this topic. You notice so much its nearly onerous to argue with you (not that I actually would need…HaHa). You positively put a brand new spin on a topic thats been written about for years. Nice stuff, simply nice!

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