Category Archives: Freedom of Speech

Herman Cain …… Delivers

“We are free because “In God Is Our Trust.”

Thursday evening Fox News and Google sponsored the latest GOP Presidential debate. Going into the debate Rick Perry and Mitt Romney being considered “front runners” by the media failed to resonate with the voters of Florida; it was Herman Cain the man with his “common sense solutions” who was the real stand out in this debate. Staying true to form the media is vehemently trying to make one excuse after another as to why Cain upset the “proverbial apple cart.” Sunday morning was no different as watching Fox and Friends weekend crew’s prelude to the interview with Cain was doubting his strong finish in the straw poll that was conducted Saturday afternoon. Cain as usual defended his win saying that his message was resonating with the voters and that his name ID is only going to escalate. Watch the interview, near the end Cain was questioned about the SNL spoof of his speech the night before. Cain never failing to give in to criticism laughed and is now going to use the skit to his advantage!


Watch the latest video at

Cain”s “Cain train” is definitely gaining momentum. As I have written before it is Cain’s ability to connect with people is that he differs greatly from the other candidates that he shared the stage with. Being a man of the people who speaks about restoring America not using the regurgitated terms like, “what I can do”…nor did we hear a lot about the nauseous “I, I, I or me, me, me” was “what WE can do together.” This is what Americans now want, someone who is willing to listen to the people and work with us to restore America back to the glory she once was before she was circumvented by the current administration. Below is a video from the debate, for me it captures a true Herman Cain moment, however reader beware… the beginning is Gary Johnson and his “borrowed” joke about the shovel ready jobs…Cain is very impressive and it’s clear and evident as to why he won the Florida Straw poll.

Donate Now To Keep The Cain Train Moving All the Way to DC

Obama can’t create jobs but he can create “ATTACK WATCH”

Since November of 2008 we’ve seen many photographs of the President and his infamous Presidential “smug.” One has to wonder the reason for his blatant arrogance when his poll numbers continue to plummet and his leadership abilities have been in question. Apparently Obama only reads the desperate letters he often refers to reading but doesn’t feel the need to read bills but insist they be passed. His desperation has taken an all new low with the creation of a twitter page entitled @attackwatch and has launched a website by the same name; attack watch.

See a new attack on the President or his record? Use #attackwatch to report it and discuss attacks as they happen.

A screen shot of the above tweet had been copied and saved however uploading it for this post was prohibited due to it being a “security issue.” uh interesting!!!

Apparently Obama who touted being a Constitutional scholar must have missed the lecture regarding the first amendment ensuring Americans of the right to have freedom of speech. Americans have voiced their opinions regarding Presidential actions as far back as I can remember. Bush for years was raked over the coals by members of both parties, however, he accepted it and moved on. This administration is grasping for straws; focusing on “attacks” of his policies or the lack there of instead of focusing on the real issues facing Americans now in 2011 and very well could impact this nation for years to come.

Conservatives on twitter have turned this lame attempt of the administration back on them using the hash-tag #attackwatch on all tweets regarding the POTUS and his failed policies, ideology and socialist agenda. This most likely will fall by the way side much like their “flagging” attempts a few years ago. In fact this blog has been “flagged” there is a widget on the side bar declaring the fact but of course it was the Patriotic Nurse who actually flagged it out of fun!! Please enjoy the video below and see our government “at work.”


2012 Can’t get here any sooner!

Herman Cain a Man of Solutions

“solutions” instead of “rhetoric”

It appears that Herman Cain is one of the few who are actually speaking about solutions to the many problems this nation is faced with. He made this statement while Governors Perry and Romney were discussing reforming or eliminating social security. Solutions are what is needed now not the rhetoric played out via soundbytes and one minute responses during a debate that is clearly trying to obscure the outcomes of said debates.

Cain’s vision for economic growth:

• The natural state of our economy is prosperity.
Freedom ensures that.
• We must get the government off our backs, out of our
pockets and out of our way in order to return to prosperity
• Policy uncertainty is killing the economy

Cain further outlines his principles guiding the economy:

1. Production drives the economy, not spending
• We can not spend our way to prosperity
• Government spending IS taxation
• Government spending is like taking a bucket of water from
the deep end of the pool, pouring it in the shallow end.
Then they HOPE that the water level will CHANGE.
2. Risk taking drives growth
• Business formation and job creation are dependent on
entrepreneurs taking risks
• Investors who fund those entrepreneurs likewise take risks
3. Measurements must be dependable
• A dollar must always be a dollar just as an hour is always
60 minutes
• Sound money is crucial for prosperity

Cain’s message is always about “We the people” and not the usual mundane accolades of the others as they tout “me, me, I, I.” America can’t wait for 2012, we need growth NOW.

Damn the media…there are eight candidates not two

You can clearly see that there are eight GOP candidates vying to get the nomination to face off with Obama for the 2012 presidential election. However, the media and their inept attempts to control the outcome of this most crucial election of our lifetime is an epic failure. It is not for them to decide, their responsibility to the voters are to present each candidate equally for the voter’s to decide. Yet day after day we are bombarded with soundbytes, news alerts declaring this one or that one to be the front runner. Like the current administration the media is guilty of usurping our rights as voters to decide the outcomes. At last night’s debate from the Ronald Reagan library it seemed that it wasn’t a debate of ALL the candidates but of that of Perry and Romney. Most questions were fielded to these two men while the remaining were left to fend for themselves to be heard and have their views brought forth to the voters. For example, Perry had 15:20 of air time while Cain (who received several rounds of applause) had only 5:45. Each candidate should be given equal time to discuss these issues without the panel and or moderators placating to the perceived front runners of their choosing. We have another debate coming up September 22nd, hosted by Fox News and Google, it is imperative that each candidate be heard on all the issues to enable the American voter to make an objective decision who to support. After all this nation was founded upon the premise that the government was founded by the people for the people. I say it’s time for the voters to stand up and speak out demanding the media to provide the medium for us to make these decisions without them drumming their subliminal messages into our subconscious.

Bloomberg….You can’t ban God from Attending the Memorial

For where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Mayor Bloomberg may be banning religion at the 9/11 Memorial but he cannot ban God from attending! I understand that this isn’t a time for political speeches but to refuse to allow clergy from participating is beyond comprehension. Is he not aware that it was God that a nation turned to, to get through this most tragic time in our nation’s history? Isn’t it time for him to put his secularist beliefs aside, after all, isn’t this about the families who lost loved ones that day?

How ironic that Bloomberg supported the rights of Muslim’s to build Park51 which is just a few blocks from the site. Claiming that they have a “right” to build there. The Church Report quoted Rudy Washington, former Deputy Mayor to Rudy Giuliani as saying, “This is America, and to have a memorial service where there’s no prayer, this appears to be insanity to me.”

Pray for America

Obama’s words come back to haunt him…

Politicians all love to take center stage and be able to make that one statement that will resonate through the hearts and minds of Americans from coast to coast… The following is a prime example of what you say often comes back to bite you in the end…

“The fact that we are here today to debate raising America’s debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government can not pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government’s reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America’s debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, “the buck stops here.’ Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.”

Senator Barack Hussein Obama, March 2006

How so very true those words are today

“If ANY OTHER President had…..”


I received this via email from Patriot Action Network and was compelled to share this as it is worthy of sharing and for sure offers food for thought!

If any other of our presidents
had doubled the National Debt, which
had taken more than two centuries
to accumulate, in one year,
would You have Approved?

If any other of our presidents
had then proposed to Double
the debt again within 10 years,
would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents
had criticized a State Law that
he admitted he never even read,
would you think that he is
just an ignorant hot Head?

If any other of our presidents
joined the country of Mexico and sued a
State in the United States to force that State
to continue to allow Illegal Immigration,
would you question his patriotism
and wonder who’s side he was on?

If any other of our presidents
had pronounced the Marine Corps
as if it were the Marine Corpse,
would you think him an Idiot?

If any other of our presidents
had put 87,000 workers out of work
by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on
offshore oil drilling on companies that have
one of the best safety records of any industry
because one foreign company had an accident,
would you have agreed?

If any other of our presidents
had used a forged document as the
basis of the moratorium that would render
87000 American workers unemployed,
would you support him?

If any other of our presidents
had been the first President to need a
teleprompter installed to be able to get through
a press conference, would you have laughed and said
this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is
really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?

If any other of our presidents
had spent hundreds of thousands of Dollars
to take his First Lady to a play in NYC,
would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents
had reduced your retirement plan holdings
of GM stock by 90% and given the
unions a majority stake in GM,
would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents
had made a joke at the expense
of the Special Olympics,
would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents
had given Gordon Brown a set of inexpensive
and incorrectly formatted DVDs, when Gordon Brown
had given him a thoughtful and historically significant gift,
would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents
had given the Queen of England an
IPod containing videos of his speeches,
would you have thought it to be a
proud moment for America ?

If any other of our presidents
had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia ,
would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents
had visited Austria and made reference
to the nonexistent “Austrian language,”
would you have brushed it off
as a minor slip?

If any other of our presidents
had filled his Cabinet and circle of
Advisers with people who cannot seem
to keep current on their Income Taxes,
would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents
had stated that there were 57 states in
the United States , wouldn’t you have had
second thoughts about his capabilities?

If any other of our presidents
would have flown all the way to Denmark
to make a five minute speech about how the Olympics
would benefit him walking out his front door in his
home town, would you not have thought he was
a self-important, conceited, egotistical jerk?

If any other of our presidents
had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to
“Cinco de Cuatro” in front of the Mexican ambassador
when it was “The 5th of May” (Cinco de Mayo),
and then continue to flub it when he tried again,
wouldn’t you have winced in embarrassment?

If any other of our presidents
had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel
to go plant a single tree on Earth Day,
would you have concluded he’s a Hypocrite?

If any other of our presidents’
Administrations had okayed Air Force One
flying low over millions of people followed by
a jet fighter in downtown Manhattan causing
widespread panic, would you have wondered
whether they actually get what happened on 9-11?

If any other of our presidents
had failed to send relief aid to flood victims
throughout the Midwest, with more people killed
or made homeless than in New Orleans, would you
want it made into a major ongoing Political issue
with claims of racism and incompetence?

If any other of our presidents
had created the positions of 32 Czars
who report directly to him, bypassing
the House and Senate on much of
what is happening in America ,
would you have approved?

If any other of our presidents
had ordered the firing of the CEO
of a major corporation, even though he
had no constitutional authority to do so,
would you have approved?

So, tell me again,
what is it about Obama that
makes him so brilliant and impressive?

Can’t think of anything?
Then you’d better start worrying.
He’s done all these things in 28 months —
and you have less than 19 months
to come up with an answer.

Every statement and action in this email
is factual and correctly attributable
to Barrack Hussein Obama.
Every bumble is a matter of record
and completely verifiable

Whew, Weiner’s going…NOW..Fox News & et al..Report the REAL news!

Today after many people from both political parties have asked Rep. Anthony Weiner to step down he finally decides too. Good, myself and many others are so tired of hearing of his obsession with himself, young women & porn stars…not to mention his love of “stretching” the truth …okay…flat out lying to the American people and his constituents…I am not going to rehash this debacle that he brought upon himself…There isn’t any use in doing so because apparently the fact that he was so obsessed with his “man-hood” that our news media and not only the main stream media completely forgot that we are involved in four [4] wars, 9.1% unemployment, the economy is seriously taking a nose dive with no light at the end of the tunnel and no plans in place to seek recovery and we have problems with our home values…but yet taking a picture of one’s self is more news worthy than what is noted above.
Now for heavens sake, let this man do his rehab, get counseling for his habitual lying and just go on with his life so we can once again be informed of the real issues facing this country! Is it 2012 yet?

Clearly Houston: There is Trouble in Washington

This is clearly a photo of Obama and Biden…one might also confuse them as being “dumb and dumber”…They like to use the word “clearly” a lot but one has to wonder if they truly understand it’s meaning as they are incapable of being truthful and forth coming to the American people and have blatantly shown little to no respect for our Constitution. Maybe while being a Constitutional scholar, instead of learning it’s meaning he was looking for ways to re-write or destroy this timeless document that is the foundation of this country.
The year was 2007 and then President George W. Bush was preparing for more action in Iran and ole Joey had this to say:

I asked them to put together [for] me a draft, which I’m now literally riding between towns editing, that I want to make clear and submit to the Untied States Senate pointing out the president has no authority to unilaterally attack Iran. And I want to make it clear, I want it on the record, and I want to make it clear, if he does, as chairman of the foreign relations committee and former chair of the judiciary committee, I will move to impeach him

Was that only relevant because of the party in which Bush represented as it seems now that not much is being said to hold him accountable for Obama doing just that!

Not only is Obama seen to be weak not only in leadership but is clearly in over his head. This was prophesized by many of the pundits of the day while he was busy campaigning for office after only having been in the senate for such a brief period.

This administration has taught us a valuable lesson one we must take to heart; no longer can we judge the candidates that will be vying for our votes. Words come easily especially to one as blessed with such a forked tongue as Obama. We must and it’s our duty as Americans to vet the many candidates that will be seeking to dethrone the “Not-so-great-one.”

• Obama is always late when it comes to dealing with a crisis in the World
• People in Bahrain were calling out to him for help, did they get it?
• Obama supported the ousting of Hosni Mubarak while the Islamist Brotherhood was waiting in the wings
• Obama has failed beyond comparison to see growth in our economy
• People across the nation are desperately looking for jobs
• Obama has “unconstitutionally” implemented Heath-care reform that remains even more unpopular now than it was just a year ago
• His desire to vacation and go on golfing expeditions has only weakened his already slipping poll numbers
• While gas prices are on the rise here in the USA, Obama sees fit to give millions to another tyrant to drill for oil instead of utilizing our own natural resources.
• His associations with the likes of George Soros and Louis Farrakhan have clearly showed the path he has chosen to bring about his idea of change, one that leaves many within the nation with a sense of hopelessness.

America Needs A Strong[er] Leader

Remember Rahm Emmanuel’s famous statement, “never let a good crisis go to waste.”? Apparently Obama either partially read that statement or chose to ignore it like he has the majority of the American people. This is apparent by the latest poll numbers coming from Rasmussen were he is tanking again with a -20%.
Qaddafi for weeks has been murdering his own, while the rebel’s that are trying to rid Qaddafi as their tyrant who is well known for this egregious act, are seen on news broadcast calling out to Obama for help. Other countries quickly condemned these acts and are in the process of calling for a “no fly zone.” Yet, Obama has taken his time with weak attempts from Sec. Clinton to demand humanitarian treatment of the people of Libya. Like previous protest that have occurred in the Middle East, Obama seems to be picking and choosing the ones he strongly supports. Only as of late has he come out and made statements in reference that Qaddafi needs to step down.
Obama, failing miserably with his foreign affairs etiquette and the mishap of him speaking out with support regarding the Wisconsin union protest doesn’t fair well with the majority of Americans.
The world seems to be in a tail spin as in the middle of what is already taking place across the globe, Japan is hit with a 8.9-9.0 earthquake which set off the tsunami that has left the country devastated and thousands unaccounted for. Yes, Obama did promise and he did deliver aid when it was called upon to help these people many that have ties within the continental United States. However, with all the turmoil we are facing now with the possibilities of a nuclear meltdown. Obama still finds time to hit a few balls out on the green! Imagine the outrage if President George W. Bush had gone golfing in the mist of the 9/11 terrorist attacks! The media and the progressives would have been foaming at the mouth trying to be heard by anyone with a microphone and a television crew!
America needs a LEADER not an appeaser, let’s just pray that we can hold strong, continue to support those in Japan that need our help by donating to the American Red Cross and hope that we are still here to vote Obama out in 2012.