Category Archives: teaparty


~These are average Americans like you and me gathering to take back our Country~ ~Flags were every where waving FREELY in the Kentucky winds of real change~
~Patriots refusing to be disarmed, don’t mess with us~

~Citizens come together for Patriotic speeches, songs, and prayers~

~End the tyranny in Washington~

~Only elect those who will abide by the laws set forth in our Constitution~




Would like to take this time to wish everyone a safe and patriotic 4th of July~ A time to reflect on the sacrifices that were given for us to celebrate this most joyous occassion~ May we never take for granted our right to freedom of speech, the right to assemble or the right to be armed~

~There are many TeaParty’s across the nation, go and raise your voice against the taxation without representation, say NO to a larger government having a say in your life~ Join the cause, it is the time to be the Silent Majority No More~

We are speaking Barry can you hear us? Do you care?

I hope you do! We the People
are Talking and we won’t be silenced…