Monthly Archives: February 2010

**Johnson, KY’s US Senate Candidate Releases News Release**

Earlier today a joint press release was sent out by both Trey Grayson and Bill Johnson. You can see the joint news release here.
Johnson felt compelled to release his own news release…..


ELKTON — Kentucky GOP Senate Candidate Bill Johnson today issued the following statement about the joint Friends of Trey Grayson/Johnson Senate Committee press release:

“I will remain my own candidate in this Republican primary race for the U.S. Senate. Dr. Paul agrees with my positions on fiscal issues and Mr. Grayson agrees with my positions on social/moral issues. However, I stand alone on matters of energy independence and the defense of our nation; both critical to voters of Kentucky

“As a veteran and business leader experienced in the field of energy and national defense, I have the background necessary to lead in the U.S Senate. As a Friend of Coal, I will work to eliminate the Federal Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and return those responsibilities to the states. We need to mine for coal, drill for oil, and build power plants right here in Kentucky. Voters can trust that as a veteran who defended our nation in the first gulf war, I will always stand strong on national defense and border protection.

“The May 18th Primary is critical to our future. We need a U.S. Senator who is correct on all the issues important to Kentucky.”

We The People Have Spoken

~We will not surrender~
H/T @impeachtheidiot

The race is on in Kentucky and Johnson is leading the Pack

Bill Johnson’s resume speaks for itself, he is not only a leader in business but has an extensive background in energy.

“While at GE, he was a corporate auditor and global information security manager. In addition to GE, Bill has worked for Kroll-O’Gara and Logical IT, both located in Cincinnati. Most recently, Bill was part of an international leadership team at BP, responsible for contracting and buying of over $1.2 billion of 3rd party goods and services. Throughout his career in business, Bill has cut costs, managed multi-million dollar budgets, led international teams, and delivered projects on time.
Bill’s military and business leadership has taken him to Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, China, Azerbaijan, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Panama, Belgium, India, and Canada. Through these travels, he has interacted with diverse cultures and witnessed first hand why America is the land of opportunity.”

There is a lot of mud being slung here in Kentucky, Rand Paul and Trey Grayson appear to be trying to co-opt themselves as being the only true crusaders for the coal industry. I find this somewhat amusing. Paul is a successful opthamologist while Grayson is your career politician. However, both men feel as though they have the expertise to speak out on this most important industry not only for Kentucky but for America as well as we continue to try to resolve the energy crisis in which we face.
Paul makes this erroneous claim while attempting to sling the mud against the Grayson campaign.

There is no candidate who will stand up for Kentucky’s Coal Industry more than Rand Paul.

David Adams [Paul’s campaign manager] continues with this jab at Grayson.

“So we feel like going forward, that this is a zero emission, um, process, and as where some of these coal fire plants are being phased out, we need to probably, we need to bring nuclear on,” Grayson said. “And from a cost effectiveness standpoint, uh, they’re much more cost effective just because the cost to make a clean coal plant is so expensive that nuclear becomes a viable option.”

This bit of mud slinging has prompted Johnson to release a news release, I was shocked to see that it was written about by one who seems to be backing his opponent. You can view the news release here.
So voter’s in Kentucky, I ask you, who would you trust in making informed decisions regarding the energy crisis we face? A doctor, career politician [more of what we already have in Washington] or one who actually is “informed” on the issue.
Support Bill Johnson now by sending donations here.

Kentucky Quick Facts
Kentucky ranks third in the Nation in coal production. It accounts for about one-tenth of U.S. coal production and nearly one-fourth of U.S. production east of the Mississippi River.
Nearly one-third of all the coal mines in the Nation are found in Kentucky.
Coal-fired plants typically generate more than nine-tenths of the electricity produced in Kentucky.
The majority of Kentucky’s natural gas is supplied by pipeline from the Gulf Coast

Kentucky’s Bill Johnson:DUTY-HONOR-COUNTRY

“We are at a turning point in the history of our nation. Jobs are moving offshore, the economy is weak, taxes are increasing, and prosperity is fading. Our elected officials offer expanded government, more spending, and industry takeovers as the solution. Socialism will destroy our nation. “I am not a politician. I am a concerned citizen, military veteran, and businessman who believes it is time for new leadership in Washington. I want to be a voice for concerned citizens across the Bluegrass State who have ‘had enough’ of politicians violating our trust. As a Ronald Reagan Republican, I support:”
*Information Preparing Voters for Kentucky’s May 18, 2010 Primary Election
*Balanced Budgets and Paying off the Debt
*Cutting Marginal Tax Rates to Grow the Economy
*A Strong ‘Peace Through Strength’ Military
2nd Amendment Gun Rights and Ownership
*Personhood and Constitutional Rights for Unborn
*One Man and One Woman Marriage Amendment
*Sending Illegal Immigrants Home
*Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas Energy Use
*Building Nuclear Power Plants
*12 Year Term Limits For Senators

These words are what has drawn me to support Bill Johnson of Kentucky for the May primary to determine who will go forward to November to seek the nomination to fill the seat of retiring Senator Jim Bunning. We already have problems in Washington with the elitist and those who wish only to serve in order to further a political career at the expense of the tax payers. To learn more about one such candidates; Trey Grayson, I invite you to visit ” He’s a Republican in Name only ” [RINO]
After the terrorist attacks we endured on September 11, 2001, the Patriot Act was introduced. Many have attacked Johnson on his support of this legislation. Bill feels and I quote,

“The Patriot act simply improved information sharing. It gave law enforcement the same tools that have been used in the past to find drug dealers and organized crime leaders. I am amazed that when the same tools are used to find terrorist, everyone gets all upset. Just another example of Dr. Paul being weak on the defense of our nation.”

Rand Paul’s father wrote this article Reconsidering the Patriot Act. One would question if the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…hence Rand Paul
Another issue that I find concern regarding the Paul campaign is his stance on abortion and the morning after pill. I encourage you to read this; Rand Paul’s Position on the Morning After Pill and Partial Birth Abortion .
The Tea Party Movement which stands for “taxed enough already” is about having less taxes and less government in our lives… I too, support the fair tax and particularly agree with Johnson on his view as stated in this video.

I encourage all of you to get involved and support your candidate. Monetary donations of any denomination are always appreciated so I invite to click on the donate now tab and donate to send Bill Johnson to DC.


H/T Lisa Graas & Bill Johnson’s Gazette

***News Flash*** Money Bomb For Bill Johnson of KY

Recently we’ve seen how effective the “money bombs” have worked for Sen.Scott Brown (R-MA). These tactics are being utilized in California, Florida and Texas to name a few. Now we in Kentucky are joining the cause to raise money for Bill Johnson to send him to Washington to be our voice and represent true conservative values and principles.

This coming week, starting Feb. 18th, the Conservative Political Action Conference will be held in Washington, DC. In honor of Conservatism and those who long to return the GOP to her Conservative roots we will Kick Off our MONEY BLAST this week, to run through February 27th

So I am asking that we continue the momentum that was set in Massachusetts back in January and donate whatever you can to take back our country and restore true conservative values and principles that we all hold dear.


H/T Conservative KY Gal

Kentucky Bill: Campaign in Full Speed Mode

I think that we can most assuredly say,
Bill Johnson’s campaign is full speed underway.
As a combat Naval officer he knows just what to do,
To protect and defend this nation for me and for you.
You can get his personally recorded US Constitution on-line,
And listen for yourself to his Reagan conservative bottom line.
You see, it’s the citizens’ owners manual, the seeds of our liberties’ tree.
The Bill of Rights comes directly next and is for our Democracy a written lifetime warranty.
His opponents scoff, they snarl, they even stomp and whine,
For they know sure enough in their hearts,
The will never live up to the Johnson straight Constitutional line

There was a debate this past Saturday in McCracken County in Kentucky that featured three of the top contenders for the retiring senate seat of Sen.Jim Bunning. From all the feed-back that I have received Bill Johnson’s campaign has turned it up a notch and is now bringing on the heat! He is up against Dr. Rand Paul and Secretary of State Trey Grayson. Paul is a Libertarian that is co-opting the Tea Party movement claiming to support smaller government, less taxes etc. but clearly is only trying to bring to Kentucky what his father Ron Paul tried to do in the ’08 presidential elections and the citizens of Kentucky are far smarter than given credit for. Having personally been attacked by members of the Campaign for Liberty by merely asking that my name be removed on their mailing list!
I wasn’t able to attend the debate but have been kept informed with comments and emails about how Johnson stood firm on his conservative platform, holding proudly the Constitution. This, for me, resonates; HONOR-DUTY-COUNTRY three very strong characteristics I look for when selecting a candidate to support.
There was a lot of rumbling throughout the state by one site or another but I suggest you read “Paul, Grayson snipe at each other“, the comments are actually better than the post itself and is a good indicator of the sign of the times here in the Kentucky political scene. My all time favorite comment on my site about this event has should be shared once again, it pertains to the “whining” and “foot-stomping” of one Rand Paul…

Let’s describe the opening shall we…Announcer, First opening statement will be Dr. Rand Paul. Then Secretary of State Trey Grayson followed by Bill Johnson.

Dr. Paul opens, Whaahh! I am a Pro Life supporter! Whahhh! I am too a Reagan Conservative. I want an apology Whahh!
Let’s get real here people is this the level of Paul’s pain threshold in the political arena? This guy is moaning like a little twit! Like we need another cry baby in the US Senate.
Mr. Grayson, Opened with a standard opening and didn’t whine.
Mr. Johnson. Opened with a standard intro as well not whining or pouting either!

Back to Dr. Paul, He rudely coughed into his mic during Mr. Johnson’s time to comment without saying so much as excuse me or I am very sorry. Again plain rude.
Through out the Debate Dr. Paul carried himself poorly, rolling his eyes, leaning against the lectern shifting positions regularly. All while the others candidates stood politely not displaying any body language indicating their wish too be elsewhere as did Dr. Paul. At the end Dr. Paul could only be described as having “Tursely given his fellow Senate candidates a brief hand shake and then almost tripping over himself to exit the stage to the waiting arms of one would presume too be his mother given his cry baby outbursts.
Bill Johnson is the stand out winner in this debate, no matter if you counted signs going out the door or the applause meter or if you listened and watched these three candidates present their case for why they should get your vote.
I was impressed with Grayson, even though I have said on more than a few occasions I would not vote for him for anything. He reeks if the establishment. Last night I changed my opinion of Trey a little. For you Rand Paul Fans I was in that camp last Summer and part of the fall. I am looking for the best man for the US Senate not an image.
At end let me describe where the candidates decided too be. Paul and Grayson where in the auditorium with a few big supporters and the members of whatever press were there. Not the everyday folks. As the majority of people were leaving Bill Johnson was out in the “lobby” pressing the flesh and talking to the people. It was a great day for Bill Johnson

So I strongly urge you to get involved and donate what ever you can to support Johnson’s efforts. This can done by simply donating $5.00-$10.00 what ever you can to ensure that our true conservative values are truly represented not only for Kentucky but for all of America as well. You can send your donations here.
Photo credits to Michael Brown

Bill Johnson: Reagan’s Message Resonates

Today marks the anniversary of Ronald Reagan‘s birth, he would have turned 99 yrs old today. Reagan’s message continues to thrive as candidates such as Johnson continues to live by the very principles and values of this great American. Less intrusion in our lives by our government. Less taxes, strong military defense. Reagan once made a prolific statement that remains true today..

the right to make our own decisions and the right to decide our own destiny

Bill Johnson is making a great impact on the voter’s of Kentucky, he is gaining strength, support not only from the citizens of our great state but from those across the nation as Bill’s message resonates with true conservatives. Recently he attended a rally at Spencer County, here in Kentucky and reading messages like this only makes one thing certain; his message is being heard.

canNOT wait til May 18th, when this State and the nation will once
again realize that it’s NOT $$, big names or political clout that wins
elections and moves our country towards the right kind of ‘change’.

It’s informed, passionate principled voters who ‘connect’ with
informed, passionate and principled leaders! Of course, hard work,
integrity and character weigh in too!

GO BILL! GO KENTUCKY! I am so excited in my heart………about this
GRASS AT IT’S ROOTS CAMPAIGN, and what it means for our state and
nation. And, for our children and grandchildren, etc.!

Today February 6, 2010 a News Release for Bill Johnson For U.S. Senate related.


ELKTON — The Bill Johnson for U.S. Senate campaign received the following poll results. Shamrock Polling conducted the statewide poll for an undisclosed client. Questions regarding the poll can be directed to Persistence Consulting ( The Johnson for U.S. Senate campaign did not pay for or participate in this poll. The results are consistent with internal polling done by the campaign.

We asked 1,257 likely republican voters the following questions:

“Who are you planning on voting for US Senate in the republican primary on May 18th?”

Trey Grayson 27%
Bill Johnson 23%
Rand Paul 21%
Undecided 29%

We then asked are you strongly, moderately, or leaning towards your candidate?

Rand Paul 7% 27% 66%
Bill Johnson 72% 21% 7%
Trey Grayson 52% 14% 34%

Margin of Error 4.5%

So take note, Bill Johnson is gaining momentum in one of Kentucky’s most exciting political races! Visit his site, join his special forces and donate here. Bill Johnson is truly a man of HONOR-DUTY-COUNTRY

Kentucky’s senate race heats up!

There can only be one choice for me in the Kentucky highly contested senate race. My choice is Bill Johnson he is the only true conservative in this race. We have Trey Grayson who has the support of the Washington élite such as Mitch McConnell and John McCain. The Tea Party movement’s dedication to changing the scenery in DC by sending candidates that truly support the values and principles of conservatives across the country. Johnson, is the only true conservative we have in this race. Rand Paul is a Libertarian that has co-opted the tea party mantra by trying to convince the people of Kentucky that he is grassroots and a real tea party candidate. I urge you to read how he is flip-flopping and of his obfuscations here. Sarah Palin has recently via her PAC endorsed Paul without as much as speaking to him personally. We have all read and seen the news clips of how she is wanting the GOP to join forces with the tea party movement, which in my opinion takes away from the very reasons we joined the movement. We want to eradicate the career politicians and replace them with ones that are willing to do the will of the people.
Johnson, is a man of values and principles of a true conservative candidate with a firm platform. He is strong on defense, being a decorated gulf war veteran, he knows what it means to serve and protect. He has traveled the world working in the energy business and will be able to offer his ability to this most controversial issue facing us today. Johnson is very pro-life and strongly believes that life begins at conception that. His opponent on the other hand would support returning the issue of abortion back to the states which in turn would lift the ban on partial birth abortion, that doesn’t sound “pro-life” to me. Paul wants to end the war on drugs that Johnson served and fought so hard to protect our shores from being infested by the venom that is affecting our children and society. Johnson supports the second amendment and is a member of the NRA.

H/T Lisa Grass