Monthly Archives: February 2011

The Battle Lines Are Being Drawn

I am outraged by the sounds coming from those who are protesting what Gov. Scott Walker clearly campaigned on and is simply following the promises he made to his constituents. The state Democratic legislators have fled the state to avoid doing the job in which they were elected to do for the people of Wisconsin. However, as you will see this is the response from the radical left, they are calling for his assassination and pushing women down while being filmed! Obama even stepped into the debate by referring to Scott’s plan as an “attack on the unions.” What part of being “BROKE” do they not understand? The usurper-in-chief has once again shown his true colors or his he merely grasping at straws attempting to not lose his base of supporters?
Obama has clearly failed the American people and continues to do so as the situation in the Middle East continues to escalate and the White House is skirting around the issues and seems to be pandering to Qaddfi. According to Aaron Klein of Fox Nation:

As pressure mounts on the White House to intervene to stop Moammar Gadhafi’s bloody crackdown in Libya, many commentators have been wondering why Barack Obama has been cautious in his criticism of the dictator after the U.S. president so fervently supported the removal from office of U.S. ally Hosni Mubarak of Egypt.

But Gadhafi has been tied to Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s spiritual adviser for more than 23 years.

The Libyan dictator also has financed and strongly supported the Nation of Islam and its leader, Louis Farrakhan. Obama has ties to Farrakhan and his controversial group. Read more at

Qaddafi: Barack Obama Is Friend

This is the video of the death threats:

Despicable? I say so! American’s are FED UP and we aren’t going to take anymore!!!!

Chilling Cry’s For Help From Bahrain

This is chilling coming from the streets of Bahrain recently during the riots that have escalated since Egypt began it’s plight to bring Murbarak’s reign to an end.