Monthly Archives: June 2011

Whew, Weiner’s going…NOW..Fox News & et al..Report the REAL news!

Today after many people from both political parties have asked Rep. Anthony Weiner to step down he finally decides too. Good, myself and many others are so tired of hearing of his obsession with himself, young women & porn stars…not to mention his love of “stretching” the truth …okay…flat out lying to the American people and his constituents…I am not going to rehash this debacle that he brought upon himself…There isn’t any use in doing so because apparently the fact that he was so obsessed with his “man-hood” that our news media and not only the main stream media completely forgot that we are involved in four [4] wars, 9.1% unemployment, the economy is seriously taking a nose dive with no light at the end of the tunnel and no plans in place to seek recovery and we have problems with our home values…but yet taking a picture of one’s self is more news worthy than what is noted above.
Now for heavens sake, let this man do his rehab, get counseling for his habitual lying and just go on with his life so we can once again be informed of the real issues facing this country! Is it 2012 yet?

Herman Cain…A Re-Founding Father To Restore America

Many years ago a nation was founded not by politicians like the ones we know today but by average everyday citizens. They came from all walks of life, farmers, plantation owners, doctors, lawyers and…businessmen. These people are what today we refer to as “Our founding fathers”…Together they laid out historical documents such as the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution.
“…At the time of the Constitutional Convention, six individuals were major land speculators, including Robert Morris and Wilson. In addition to these land speculators, twelve Founding Fathers such as Mason and Washington owned or managed slave-operated plantations or large farms. Madison also owned slaves. Franklin, Robert Morris, and Sherman had jobs working with securities. Thirteen people were businessmen, merchants, or shippers, including Robert Morris, Sherman, and Wilson. Two of the less known Fathers, Broom and Few, were small farmers. Supplementing his other employment, Franklin was known as a scientist. Although not as well know, McClurg, McHenry, and Williamson were physicians, and Johnson was a university president. Madison studied theology and thirty-five Founding Fathers had legal training as lawyers. Most of the Founding Fathers were employed in more than one type of occupation. Just as the occupations differed, so did the economic status of these men. Most of the Founding Fathers incomes ranged from good to excellent. Washington and Robert Morris ranked among the nation’s most prosperous men. Although all of the Founding Fathers managed to live comfortably, among those with the most difficult economic statuses were Madison and Sherman. Madison received a major part of his income from public office. Riches came to Gouverneur Morris, Randolph, and Washington by being born into leading families. Others like Franklin, Hamilton, and Sherman were self-made men who had risen from humble beginnings. The Founding Fathers experienced a variety of occupations after the convention as well. Most were successful, although Robert Morris and Wilson, among others, suffered serious financial burdens that left them in or near bankruptcy. Washington and Madison became President of the United States. Cabinet posts were attained by Hamilton, Madison, and Randolph. Nineteen men became U.S. senators including Gouverneur Morris, Robert Morris, and Sherman. Sherman and Madison also served in the House of Representatives. Wilson served as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Most of the delegates helped the new government they had worked to create.”
Today in the 21th century we have a new group of people much like those who fought oppression from tyranny. I like to think of Glenn Beck as being the pamphleteer of our time, unlike Paul Revere who rode a horse warning about the British coming, today’s world has evolved and with technology comes a new way of warning the nation of what lies ahead of us. For you naysayers who want to mock Beck’s passion for enlightening the American people of the perils that lie ahead, we just may have the last laugh as you become bewildered by the egregious mishaps of this current administration and can’t figure out why or how this happened to you.
Gas prices at an all time high, with the possibility of it being over five dollars by mid summer…our economy is worse today as it was when Barack Obama became our 44th President. Record unemployment, housing markets tanking with no light visible at the end of the tunnel and yet after two and half years the liberal pundits and this administration want to continue to blame George W. Bush…borrowing one of the progressive’s key words, “clearly” this socialistic progressive administration doesn’t realize that the ball is now and has been in their court and history will judge them not Bush for their actions or the lack of leadership or to follow through on the empty promises made along the campaign trail in ’08 as well as now in 2011 as we prepare to bring real change to DC.
There is a new train moving across the country and it’s that of Herman Cain, a non politician whose message is gaining momentum and is resonating across the air waves, internet. Cain has stated that, “we’ve been electing politicians and how that is working out for us”…Beck this week spoke with Cain this week for an hour and it was from that episode to which inspired this post as Cain reminds me of “Our founding fathers“…I prefer to think of him as a “re-founding father” of our nation. His common sense solutions for getting America back on track to the true core values in which this nation was founded upon.

Be sure and make note that Cain will be in New Hampshire June 13, 2011 at 7 p.m. (you can set it to send you an email to remind you to tune in) and you can donate to support in his efforts to restore America for future generations to come.