Category Archives: Kentucky Senate Race

~ Kentucky Bill~

A Patriotic Nurse is sad to report …………………


May the Best Man Win

ELKTON —Kentucky GOP Candidate Bill Johnson today issued the following statement regarding his decision to exit the U.S. Senate race.

“Magellan Strategies completed a poll for the campaign on Tuesday evening. The results were not encouraging for a continued run. It is time to gracefully and honorably exit the race for the U.S. Senate.

“I have no regrets. Spending time with men like Bob Heft (50 Star American Flag designer) and Dr. Alan Keyes (Pro-life advocate) has enriched my life. Talking with Kentucky’s Republican congressman during the past few months reassures me that good people are fighting hard for America. I am happy to say that we have some outstanding men and women serving at the state level, many of them have given me words of encouragement. And meeting conservative men and women across the state of Kentucky has renewed my faith that America will again head back to the Constitution.

“Trey and Rand are both good men. I have decided to remain neutral for now and clear of endorsements. Regardless of who wins the primary, I offer my full support to helping that candidate become our next U.S. Senator from Kentucky.

“I will spend the next few months relaxing and enjoying time with my family. I humbly thank all my supporters and volunteers for their efforts. My goal was to be your public servant in Washington but perhaps another opportunity will emerge in the future. I look forward to your continued friendship. Please stay in touch. Best Regards, Bill”

I cannot say how it saddens me to see such a strong passionate man leave this race at this time. With that being said, I truly honor and respect his decisions. I will continue to rally behind him anytime, any where..For me it was his passion, his principles and values that led me to support him and his platform. Like Mr. Johnson, I will refrain from endorsing a candidate in this race. None of them resonates for me the way that Johnson did. Bill, I wish you the best of luck with every endeavor and I feel very blessed to have been part of such a great team.

I would like to add, what a pleasure it was to have worked with some of the most passionate patriots that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Names are many but if you are reading this, you know who you are~ A Patriotic Nurse

There Is More Than Just Horses Running In Kentucky

There is more than just horses running here in Kentucky! May is not only the month that we enjoy the run for the roses but it is also the month that we will hold our primary for the U.S. senate. As with the derby the clear winner won’t be known until they cross that finish line!
We have three [3] distinct personalities running for the seat to be vacated by retiring Sen. Jim Bunning.
Like horse races we all have our favorites that we want to win, my “horse” is Bill Johnson. He has proven to me to be the true conservative voice in this race. He has the leadership capabilities needed to bring jobs to Kentucky, he has a strong business background overseeing a multi-billion dollar corporation. With that experience I feel it would enable him to be able to bring jobs to the bluegrass. Johnson, is also a decorated 1st Gulf War Vet. Having served our country, his military experience would be beneficial with national security being an important part of our every day life now. He strongly supports the NRA and is firm about our rights to bear arms. He is passionate about the rights of the unborn and strongly supports Federal Personhood Amendment. The 14th amendment clearly states,

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws

Returning to the states to decide the abortion issue would clearly be in violation of amendment, as the unborn is “life” and deserves equal protection. Johnson also stands firm on marriage and family. Johnson’s opponent Dr. Rand Paul,claims to be pro-life but seems to waiver a bit when putting stimulations and suggesting that the “morning after pill,” would be permissible given the circumstance. Paul has gained a lot of following not only here in Kentucky but throughout the country as being the son of Texas Sen. Ron Paul, who has a large following of supporters from Campaign for Liberty.Trying to reform the Republican Party is not my idea of a true conservative. Paul knows his father’s agenda like the back of his hand and has promoted this agenda around the country. He has angered little old ladies and has complained about this or that. What will he do in DC? Now he has even gone as far as to write off the The Metropolitan Republican Women’s Club (of Louisville), an affiliate member of the Kentucky Federation of Republican Women, has, for many months, been organizing a Public Forum for all of the Republican senatorial candidates as a public service to the citizens of Kentucky. Those roses could be starting to slip away!
Our last but not least “horse” in this race is Sec. of State Trey Grayson. He is backed by the elite in DC and is often referred to as being “prepared” to do this job. Is this really what we what in DC, more of the same of what we have now, politicians that are only seeking office as a career as opposed to wanting to serve and represent the people that send them to DC to be our voice but only seek to gain power and prestige. I will say that Grayson’s campaign manager [Nate Hodson] does know some things about polling in March that I find humorous.
So the field is set and the horses are in the starting gate, it is up to the voters of Kentucky to declare a winner and I am putting my money on Johnson and I am hoping that you will too! After all we have more to gain than………..

News Release: KY US Senate Candidate Bill Johnson

For Immediate Release March 7, 2010

Contact: Bill Johnson
270-847-6511 /

Celebrity Name Recognition or May 18th Primary Reality?

ELKTON —Kentucky GOP U.S. Senate Candidate Bill Johnson today issued the following statement regarding the Survey USA poll.

“The methodology used in the Survey USA poll took a sample of Kentucky residents with a telephone number and asked them if they were registered Republicans and likely to vote in the primary. History shows that regardless of the answer, only 1 in 5 will actually cast a vote in the Republican primary. This is a name recognition poll more appropriate to a general election than a Republican primary.

“The Survey USA methodology disclaimer states, ‘There are other possible sources of error in all surveys that may be more serious than sampling error. These include the manner in which specialized populations, such as likely voters, are determined. It is difficult to quantify the errors that may result from these and other factors.’

“What a fraud. Out of the approximately one million registered Republicans, about 200,000 will cast primary votes. When a sample is taken from the 200,000 with a history of primary voting, a much different picture emerges. I remain confident in my campaign’s base of support and continued progress in this primary election.

“As a businessman, I understand it is important to base decisions and actions on proper data. I would have been tossed out of any good business executive’s office with a story and disclaimer like the one presented by Survey USA. To say that the voters of Kentucky are buying Rand Paul when 4 out of 5 of those shoppers have never been to a primary election store is simply crazy.

I will remain in this race primary race until the results on May 18th. The media, pollsters, Washington elite, power brokers, and money machines will not deter my efforts.”


A Fireside Chat With Bill Johnson: KY US Senate Candidate

Mica Sims a blogger here in Kentucky and a political activist, tea party organizer sat down with Bill Johnson for a “fireside chat.” There are three [3] videos ..I invite you to view these and become better aquainted as to why Bill Johnson is the man to send to DC to serve as our next Senator from KY.

Donate to send Johnson to Washington

Open Letter To The People Of Kentucky Regarding The US Senate Race

While addressing the Clark County Republican Party Lincoln Day Dinner tonight, Rand Paul’s Campaign Manager, David Adams [above photo], made a stunning revelation. Rand Paul is running a national campaign to be the next US Senator from Kentucky.

MSNBC, CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS, and national print media exposure has been carefully orchestrated to garner national support, influence, money, prestige, and recognition.

We know that 90% of his $2 million has come from outside the Commonwealth.

We know that his “Spring Break in Kentucky” is for training astroturf campaign workers from outside of Kentucky and that he has rental lodging for them to stay in.

We know that Ron Paul’s Campaign for Liberty is coordinating this national effort.

We know that the Republican Party of Kentucky is powerless to stop it.

Should Rand Paul win the US Senate race in Kentucky this year it will be the first time in Kentucky’s history that the rest of the nation elected our Senator.

We certainly won’t be the ones electing him.

How do we know? Well, for example, Rand Paul didn’t bother to send a representative to the Pike County Republican Women’s LDD last night. Why not? Well, for one thing, he’s got this all sewn up of course. I think he’s got hard feelings towards the guest speaker, Congressman Hal Rogers, so he blew off the entire Republican party in the heart of the coal region. Some “Friend of Coal.”

He’s no “Friend of Coal.” He’s no friend of Kentucky, people. Look closely at the fox in our henhouse. He’s buying his way to the General Election when the media will pull out all the stops to shatter him so they can get a another Democrat into the US Senate.

Only 10 weeks left. What’s amazing is I can’t find too many people that say they actually respect the man for personal integrity. Everyone knows the citizens are seeing Ron Paul campaigning behind Rand Paul with Sarah Palin’s misguided endorsement.

I have greater confidence in the people of Kentucky. We must end this outside national interference and meddling in our internal affairs.

Bill Johnson has made it clear from day one [1] that he strongly stands for the true conservative values that mirror that of Ronald Reagan. He has ran a legitimate campaign by merely taking his message to the people of Kentucky that actually are the only ones able to vote in this primary. Given they are registered as either Republican or Democrats, Independents are unable to cast a vote until the general election. Rand Paul has stated his reasons for running as a Republican in this election…

I know that third party candidates can’t win in KY. Although I’m a libertarian at heart, I’ve decided to run as a Republican. Once I win I’ll be able to promote my father’s principles and work towards reforming the Republican party”. ~ Rand Paul, 2009

So I ask the voters of Kentucky do they want someone who is only running to further the cause and platform of their father or do they want someone who is willing to once again answer the call of service not only to Kentuckians but Americans as well. I will take DUTY-HONOR-COUNTRY any day over more of the same of what we have in DC. So Kentuckians if you really want to show the nation that here in Kentucky we are capable of making up our own minds regarding the candidate we choose to vote for then I beseech you to become informed and not let the “main stream media” dictate to you or influence your vote…

H/T Dr. David Duncan

The Light Shines Bright on Kentucky Bill

I had the privilige of attending the 22nd Annual Oldham County Lincoln Day Dinner last night and oh what a night it was! The crowd was a diverse group with attendance being reported as being over 200. This event was sponsored by,The Oldham County Republican Party, county chairwoman Anne Gernstein did an excellent job preparing this event. State Representative, David Osborne was our emcee for the event. We sang “My Old Kentucky Home,” made allegiance to the flag and blessings were lifted up by State Senator, Ernie Harris.
All three candidates running for the Senate Seat being vacated by Sen. Jim Bunning was in attendance and were the highlight of the evening. The emcee set the ground rules for their speeches and each were informed of a time restraint of five [5] minutes. St. Rep. Osborne then proceeded to introduce each candidate with the exception of one [1]. He wanted to do his own introduction!! Sec. of State Trey Grayson was at the podium first, he hit on his platform and why he would be the best candidate to better serve those of us that can actually cast a vote in the race. Then true to form, the seasoned candidate began to attack his opponent on issues such as Gitmo, [Sultan Knish ]

Rand Paul “couldn’t agree more” with those who believe Guantanamo has “significantly damaged the reputation of the United States” and who want to “see it shut down.” – (Rand Paul official campaign web site post, posted by the site Administrator, 5/25/09)

“It’s unclear whether these people are guilty or not guilty… So I really think deportation or sending them back to their country of origin might be the best way to go. And none of it’s fair, because some of them have been held years and years without trial… and you deport them to the countries where they were captured…”

Rand Paul on Gitmo prisoners on Alex Jones, 5/21/09

I am sure Rand Paul was wanting to crawl under the table by now, but wait it gets better! When Grayson had finished a modest round of applause was heard about the room. Bill Johnson, was next at the podium [ yep, he wanted to do his own introduction]. He gave us his background and his reasons why he was drawn to serve once again this great country. He made it clear that he is running on the three R’s “Ronald Reagan Republican“..the crowd broke into applause. He informed us that it was Reagan that had first inspired him to serve in the military and that it was Barack Obama that inspired him to once again step up to serve our country and lead her back to the very principles in which Reagan stood for. He spoke of his leadership abilities and his history working with energy of all kinds; coal, oil and nuclear. With each statement, Johnson was interupted by applause, if there had been a meter for the amount of applause the winner would clearly been Bill Johnson!
Finally but not least [ they were going alphabetically] we got to hear from Dr. Rand Paul. The good doctor came to the podium, looking somewhat pale and tired, attributing his appearance as being getting over a cold. I am sure the stress of the road weighs heavily on each of the candidates but apparently it weighs on him more than the other two as he stated,

I’d like to say that I’m happy to be here but the fact is that I’d prefer to be back at home with my family and that its been a it’s a real grind to have to go to all these LDD’s.

What a way to win votes from the very people that invited him there! He gave his usual ad nauseum reasons why he is the better candidate. However it wasn’t a message that resonated well with the people in attendance that had spent good hard earned money to attend this event and hear the platforms of each candidate. He mingled for a few minutes and was seen leaving quickly with his “goofer”, David Adams [campaign manager] following close behind. Grayson was seen to mingle and shake hands but it was Bill Johnson who was the last to leave. It was great hearing people come up and offer their support and tell them how they really enjoyed his message and many took business cards, Election Gazettes, bumper stickers to help get his message out! Another awesome event for a man of DUTY-HONOR-COUNTRY.

Donations appreciated!
***UPDATE*** Video: Bill Johnson’s Speech at Oldham County Lincoln Day Dinner

***UPDATE 2**** due to my haste in getting this story out, I made a slight error in reporting the order of speakers, it was Dr. Paul, Bill Johnson, Trey Grayson- however the content remains the same! ~APN~

**Johnson, KY’s US Senate Candidate Releases News Release**

Earlier today a joint press release was sent out by both Trey Grayson and Bill Johnson. You can see the joint news release here.
Johnson felt compelled to release his own news release…..


ELKTON — Kentucky GOP Senate Candidate Bill Johnson today issued the following statement about the joint Friends of Trey Grayson/Johnson Senate Committee press release:

“I will remain my own candidate in this Republican primary race for the U.S. Senate. Dr. Paul agrees with my positions on fiscal issues and Mr. Grayson agrees with my positions on social/moral issues. However, I stand alone on matters of energy independence and the defense of our nation; both critical to voters of Kentucky

“As a veteran and business leader experienced in the field of energy and national defense, I have the background necessary to lead in the U.S Senate. As a Friend of Coal, I will work to eliminate the Federal Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and return those responsibilities to the states. We need to mine for coal, drill for oil, and build power plants right here in Kentucky. Voters can trust that as a veteran who defended our nation in the first gulf war, I will always stand strong on national defense and border protection.

“The May 18th Primary is critical to our future. We need a U.S. Senator who is correct on all the issues important to Kentucky.”

The race is on in Kentucky and Johnson is leading the Pack

Bill Johnson’s resume speaks for itself, he is not only a leader in business but has an extensive background in energy.

“While at GE, he was a corporate auditor and global information security manager. In addition to GE, Bill has worked for Kroll-O’Gara and Logical IT, both located in Cincinnati. Most recently, Bill was part of an international leadership team at BP, responsible for contracting and buying of over $1.2 billion of 3rd party goods and services. Throughout his career in business, Bill has cut costs, managed multi-million dollar budgets, led international teams, and delivered projects on time.
Bill’s military and business leadership has taken him to Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, China, Azerbaijan, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Russia, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Panama, Belgium, India, and Canada. Through these travels, he has interacted with diverse cultures and witnessed first hand why America is the land of opportunity.”

There is a lot of mud being slung here in Kentucky, Rand Paul and Trey Grayson appear to be trying to co-opt themselves as being the only true crusaders for the coal industry. I find this somewhat amusing. Paul is a successful opthamologist while Grayson is your career politician. However, both men feel as though they have the expertise to speak out on this most important industry not only for Kentucky but for America as well as we continue to try to resolve the energy crisis in which we face.
Paul makes this erroneous claim while attempting to sling the mud against the Grayson campaign.

There is no candidate who will stand up for Kentucky’s Coal Industry more than Rand Paul.

David Adams [Paul’s campaign manager] continues with this jab at Grayson.

“So we feel like going forward, that this is a zero emission, um, process, and as where some of these coal fire plants are being phased out, we need to probably, we need to bring nuclear on,” Grayson said. “And from a cost effectiveness standpoint, uh, they’re much more cost effective just because the cost to make a clean coal plant is so expensive that nuclear becomes a viable option.”

This bit of mud slinging has prompted Johnson to release a news release, I was shocked to see that it was written about by one who seems to be backing his opponent. You can view the news release here.
So voter’s in Kentucky, I ask you, who would you trust in making informed decisions regarding the energy crisis we face? A doctor, career politician [more of what we already have in Washington] or one who actually is “informed” on the issue.
Support Bill Johnson now by sending donations here.

Kentucky Quick Facts
Kentucky ranks third in the Nation in coal production. It accounts for about one-tenth of U.S. coal production and nearly one-fourth of U.S. production east of the Mississippi River.
Nearly one-third of all the coal mines in the Nation are found in Kentucky.
Coal-fired plants typically generate more than nine-tenths of the electricity produced in Kentucky.
The majority of Kentucky’s natural gas is supplied by pipeline from the Gulf Coast

Kentucky’s Bill Johnson:DUTY-HONOR-COUNTRY

“We are at a turning point in the history of our nation. Jobs are moving offshore, the economy is weak, taxes are increasing, and prosperity is fading. Our elected officials offer expanded government, more spending, and industry takeovers as the solution. Socialism will destroy our nation. “I am not a politician. I am a concerned citizen, military veteran, and businessman who believes it is time for new leadership in Washington. I want to be a voice for concerned citizens across the Bluegrass State who have ‘had enough’ of politicians violating our trust. As a Ronald Reagan Republican, I support:”
*Information Preparing Voters for Kentucky’s May 18, 2010 Primary Election
*Balanced Budgets and Paying off the Debt
*Cutting Marginal Tax Rates to Grow the Economy
*A Strong ‘Peace Through Strength’ Military
2nd Amendment Gun Rights and Ownership
*Personhood and Constitutional Rights for Unborn
*One Man and One Woman Marriage Amendment
*Sending Illegal Immigrants Home
*Coal, Oil, and Natural Gas Energy Use
*Building Nuclear Power Plants
*12 Year Term Limits For Senators

These words are what has drawn me to support Bill Johnson of Kentucky for the May primary to determine who will go forward to November to seek the nomination to fill the seat of retiring Senator Jim Bunning. We already have problems in Washington with the elitist and those who wish only to serve in order to further a political career at the expense of the tax payers. To learn more about one such candidates; Trey Grayson, I invite you to visit ” He’s a Republican in Name only ” [RINO]
After the terrorist attacks we endured on September 11, 2001, the Patriot Act was introduced. Many have attacked Johnson on his support of this legislation. Bill feels and I quote,

“The Patriot act simply improved information sharing. It gave law enforcement the same tools that have been used in the past to find drug dealers and organized crime leaders. I am amazed that when the same tools are used to find terrorist, everyone gets all upset. Just another example of Dr. Paul being weak on the defense of our nation.”

Rand Paul’s father wrote this article Reconsidering the Patriot Act. One would question if the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…hence Rand Paul
Another issue that I find concern regarding the Paul campaign is his stance on abortion and the morning after pill. I encourage you to read this; Rand Paul’s Position on the Morning After Pill and Partial Birth Abortion .
The Tea Party Movement which stands for “taxed enough already” is about having less taxes and less government in our lives… I too, support the fair tax and particularly agree with Johnson on his view as stated in this video.

I encourage all of you to get involved and support your candidate. Monetary donations of any denomination are always appreciated so I invite to click on the donate now tab and donate to send Bill Johnson to DC.


H/T Lisa Graas & Bill Johnson’s Gazette

***News Flash*** Money Bomb For Bill Johnson of KY

Recently we’ve seen how effective the “money bombs” have worked for Sen.Scott Brown (R-MA). These tactics are being utilized in California, Florida and Texas to name a few. Now we in Kentucky are joining the cause to raise money for Bill Johnson to send him to Washington to be our voice and represent true conservative values and principles.

This coming week, starting Feb. 18th, the Conservative Political Action Conference will be held in Washington, DC. In honor of Conservatism and those who long to return the GOP to her Conservative roots we will Kick Off our MONEY BLAST this week, to run through February 27th

So I am asking that we continue the momentum that was set in Massachusetts back in January and donate whatever you can to take back our country and restore true conservative values and principles that we all hold dear.


H/T Conservative KY Gal