Category Archives: MilitaryMonday

US Navy Seals; America’s Pride

Osama Bin Laden is dead! America is celebrating outside the White House and at Ground Zero, which is most appropriate given the heinous crimes that took place close to ten years ago this year. I am called to remember what President George W. Bush said shortly after this heinous attack on our homeland:

We will not waver; we will not tire; we will not falter; and we will not fail

We are Americans and it is through our ancestors, the founding father’s, that our strong resolve was born. The thought of wavering, tiring or even faltering was never a factor in the end.

News of jubliant celebrations soon began to be heralded as people gathered in front of the White House and Ground Zero waving flags and singing our national Anthem. However, those sites are not the only ones that Americans chose to celebrate, many in the Dallas area gathered outside the residence of our former President GW Bush. Bush chose not to make an on camera statement but released this via his facebook page:

Earlier this evening, President Obama called to inform me that American forces killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of the al Qaeda network that attacked America on September 11, 2001. I congratulated him and the men and women of our military and intelligence communities who devoted their lives to this mission. They have our everlasting gratitude. This momentous achievement marks a victory for America, for people who seek peace around the world, and for all those who lost loved ones on September 11, 2001. The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done

I am so proud of our Navy Seals for overtaking the compound in which this evil one lay hiding…not one of them injured…they offered Bin Laden a chance to surrender but to no avail and he was shot in the head. News reports is that he [Osama Bin Laden] was laid to rest given full Muslim rites and entombed to the sea to prevent his followers from making a memorial to continue to honor this most evil of men.
So in closing I want to again show tribute to our men and women who selfishly sacrifice so much for us and invite you to listen to “Eternal Father” the Naval Hymn…Thank God that we live in the land of the free and the home of the brave…..

~United States Military Answering The Call~

Our troops have been the subject of ridicule for several years with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Yet who is the first to go above and beyond to show compassion for their fellow man, woman or child? It is the military of the United States of America! As I offer prayers for those affected by the tragedy of the earthquake in Haiti, my heart beams with pride as our military rises to the call of duty to serve, protect. rescue and deliver aid! ~God Bless our brave men and women of our armed services~

Bravery, Honor…The American Soldier…

We have heard the pleas of the Generals and yet no response from the commander-in-chief. How many of our brave have to pay the ultimate price before you honor their request or you simply bring them home. They are fighting a war so different from others of our past, we once knew who the enemy were. Today they wear no uniform representing a country or an army, they are terrorist, they hate Americans and all that we represent.
The holidays are quickly approaching, please be sure and remember those off in a foreign land that are fighting for our freedoms and for our very rights that so many take for granted. Keep them and their families in prayer, take time to send a card, a package, a reminisce of home. Make a difference, let them know we support them and what they are doing isn’t in vain.~ God Bless our Military~

Thank your military with arms wide open…..


With all that is going on in Afghanistan and again the violence is breaking out in Iraq it is of great importance to “Thank your military.” They are in a strange land fighting to keep us safe and free from harm. They are someone’s child, someone’s spouse, someone’s parent, someone’s sibling….Show them your appreciation……”with arms wide open”…………….


~God surround them in your mercy and keep them safe~

~God Bless the USA~

Listen to the Generals..Afghanistan…..

HarperVESTWe have heard the pleas of the Generals for more troops needed in Afghanistan. Please call upon this administration to support our military. We do not fail, we don not surrender. We are American’s .. We are the brave, fighting to keep freedom strong…this may be difficult to watch, but we need to see what they are up against. God Bless Our troops, God Bless the USA

The Eisenhower Strike Group comes home…..

PMI1664 Emotions ran high as these family members and loved ones awaited the return of the Eisenhower to dock after being in active duty! One particular Mom (Angela) is a good friend of mine, she too, is a nurse. There wasn’t a day that went by that we saw her son’s picture embossed on a pin attached to her scrub top, blouse regardless of what she was wearing. A true testament of a mother’s love. You can hear the anticipation in their voices, often breaking, attempting to hold back the tears of joy! I say God Bless these young men and women who were off serving our great country!
I also ask you to remember those who were less fortunate and whose family members were not on that pier that day for their child had not returned in the same manner, please take time to remember them in prayer.

“Sure I am this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us.”
– Winston Churchill

100 days in Afghanistan and longer………

100_0368 Our military is now facing one of the most daunting task as they proceed to carry on this campaign in Afghanistan, recently I read where they could not fire back if fired upon while in a civilian type setting. Of course this means the terrorist will only crawl deep within the civilian communities. This is not a conventional war, nor is it a fair one. Yesterday when interviewed I don’t believe POTUS answered the question put before him…………………

To me, it remains clear that we aren’t aware of what lies before us regarding our future in Afghanistan or in our own country. I did witness while in Washington, DC…..a country that is proud of their military, the men and women who so bravely serve….I saw veterans proudly wearing their badges of honor, carrying flags, some even walking with crutches or being pushed in a wheelchair…..It is to these men and women and to the ones off in a foreign land that I beseech you to continue to pray for and to offer your undying support. It is our military that we owe all that we have, the freedoms we enjoy, our way of life…..
Like all wars before this one, they bring back memories that only someone who has walked in their shoes can understand…reach out to them, let them know you care, let them know you appreciate what they have sacrificed….We would not be what we are without the blood, sweat and tears of our military! God Bless them and Bless the USA……

photo by A Patriotic Nurse; Washington,DC

Our Military…The Best of the Best………..

ars_SupportOurTroops_Lg Today as we approach the anniversary the tragic events of September 11, 2001, it makes my heart swell with pride knowing that we have the best of the best protecting us as they fight to keep us free. I am proud to be an American and I too, would gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today. I cannot forget those that gave up their lives for us to have the freedoms we have today. A Patriotic Nurse will be in Washington this weekend, attending the March to take back our country…the evening of the 11th, we will be visiting the Walter Reed Army hospital to personally be able to give thanks to the many that have served our nation so proudly. They are true heroes and we owe a huge debt to our military for their courageous service. So as we remember and honor those who perished that day eight years ago, let us remember in prayers our soldiers who continues to sacrifice and fight for the very freedom and rights we sometimes take for granted. God Bless our Military and May God Bless the USA…………………………………………………………….

An Oath To Serve and Protect……….

reenlistment2Our men and women who serve in our armed forces upon induction to service of their country repeat an oath….

I ____ solemnly swear that I will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

Today,once again our military is engaged in a war, this one is like none we have ever been involved with. The enemy doesn’t wear a uniform, they aren’t aligned with any particular country or alliance. They are dealing with terrorist, who are ruthless, fearless and have no regard for our troops nor for the American people and our way of life. Our military also faces another dilemma, taking orders from a president whose orders may seem unconstitutional. Thankfully there are a group of servicemen, women and veterans that take this seriously and have formed website making it clear what orders would meet resistance. They are Called Oath Keepers, to learn more in great detail I invite you to visit this site. Their patriotism is heartfelt, sincere and they are determined to protect our beloved Constitution. Click here to learn more about this group of brave, faithful patriots. To read testimonials, view articles written by those that serve or have served and view the many videos, click here.
Please continue to keep our servicemen/women, veterans and their families in your daily thoughts and prayers. Continue to support them with e-mails, cards, letters and gift boxes. It is our duty as Americans to support them for all they do to keep us safe and free.
Show them we care and support them in all they do…….God Bless Them..God Bless the USA

For the love of country…..

Soldiers-Angels-As you know this is Monday and once again I write to remind you of the importance of supporting our Military and their families. We do this daily but it is nice to set one day aside and highlight the men and women who so bravely serve our great country. There are many great organizations that are truly dedicated and devote their life’s mission in seeing that our servicemen and women’s needs are seen too. One such group is Angels for Hope.The president of the organization recently shared with me a letter she had received and it was a true testimony to the service that they provide. I am so proud to be able to share this with you and I hope it instills in you an urge to do all you can do to help those who give so much for us…..

“One of our sons was killed in Iraq in August 2006. Needless to say, the past 6 months has been the most difficult of our lives. A few weeks ago we began receiving angels and butterflies in the mail from The Angels for Hope. We’ve gotten at least one a day since they began arriving. My family has been so moved by the experience, and want to thank all of those responsible for helping us to find strength during this most difficult period. I’ve been collecting angels for a few years now, and my son had given me a few angels to add to my collection before his death. It’s occurred to me that maybe he’s still sending them to me now ~ through you. They mean more to me than you can possibly know. Thank you for this gift.”

I am very proud to know such people that are so willing to go the extra mile and give back to our Military for all they have gone through and for the sacrifices made. There are many such organizations that offer help as well. But I strongly recommend that you contribute to the Angels for Hope! Outside of helping those who serve now or those who have served they have added another very special mission, one that I want to share….

Angels for Hope has been trying to reach out to all the Fallen Soldier families. As you can imagine it’s hard to obtain the information due to privacy issues. We are always looking for contacts or ways of getting the word out about our program You can view it here:

Angels for hope and the Fallen Soldier
Other groups that are dedicated as well are The American Fallen Soldier Projectand Operation Support Our Troops
We have recently lost some of Our Patriots, those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for their love of their country…..Please take a moment out of your day to pray for the families that are no doubt proud of their loved ones but are dealing with a most painful of loss…God Bless Our Military and The USA….