Monthly Archives: May 2009


~~Obama and Sotomayor appear in this picture as being very delighted upon his nomination of her to replace retiring Justice Souter of the Supreme Court of the United States. When observing Barry’s smile or grin, it brings one to question what is going through his mind at the time. Is it because as the first African-American president he has made his first appointment to the Supreme Court? Could it be that he is laughing to himself that he has once again managed to bring his liberal socialist agenda to light by nominating such a liberal and controversial person to the bench. Only time will tell………
~~What do we know of her? Her views on the second amendment is making gun owners across America wondering if their constitutional rights are in jeopardy. Pro-Life groups are up in arms because to date there are no opinions on record of her stance on abortion. It is known that she is one of the most liberal of judges on the circuit court, possibly more liberal than Souter.~~~~
~~Obama has stated that he wants someone to, “up hold the constitution and be empathetic.”
Empathy should not be considered when deliberating a case, only the laws as set forth in the constitution should be considered rendering personal feelings ineffective when hearing a case.~~
~~This will prove to be a challenging feat for conservatives as they interview her and hold her accountable for several of the controversial remarks that have surfaced of late; such as a “Latino woman is more capable of making a sound decision to that of a white man.” Does this not reek of racism? Karl Rove, former advisor for Pres. Bush and current Fox News analyst provides a keen observation regarding Sotomayor…..

~A Special Memorial ~

~A very special Memorial to the many aborted babies that has saddened the Most Blessed Mother of all~
Barack Hussein Obama has voted and supports this horrendous act, the infanticide, the leaving of live aborted babies to lay in squander.
~This Memorial Day, Please take time to reflect and pray for the souls of these most innocent of innocence that have endured such inhumane acts~
~This candle shall burn for you as well for eternity as a reminder of what you could have brought to this world~

May this video enlighten you to speak out against this horrendous torture~ ( No actual abortions shown in this video. A statement of Obama’s views)

~A Patriotic Memorial Day Tribute~

This Memorial Day we wish to give thanks to all branches of the Armed Forces of Our Great Country, The United States of America~ It is for your sacrifices and your bravery that we remain free to this day~ This flame will burn for eternity for you~


I am sure this is one letter that ends up getting stamped,”return to sender.” Its a shame when a sitting president refuses to listen to reason, listen to the will of the people. ~
Its evident he is intent on bringing a socialist government, with the government regulating everything we do,what radio stations we can listen to, what medical needs are best for us. What type of autos we drive. He seems to think its ok to take over companies of Americans and regulate their every move. ~
He doesn’t care if the small business man is run out of business, can’t meet his payroll or that he has to let his devoted workers go and join the growing ranks of the unemployed. FELLOW AMERICANS, HE DOESN’T CARE! ~
Apparently when Barry was in college studying law and they were learning about our Constitution he was absent that week or simply showed up and stated,”present.” Its obvious as he has no regard for what our founding fathers meant when they wrote the historical document, just as he as no regard for the meaning of life.~
Yes, I am sure this letter will never reach his desk, but it is our duty as Americans to raise our voices, contact our elected officials and hold them to the principles in which this country was born. If for some reason they can’t legislate per the will of the people then we vote them out. Time is running short, we have to take back our country, one letter at a time.. we will start with this one…..



Is this culture that Barry wishes for us?
We cannot let this happen…
He is going about this very quietly…
be not fooled..
This is not the change we want or need…

Nancy, your flight is now ready to board for San Francisco
Did you really think you could take on the CIA?
I know you’ve overdosed on the kool-aid and can’t keep your stories straight ….


Remember these words Barry, unnecessary spending? Have you really cut the spending? NO, you have only succeeded in creasing the spending to which it could be years before we will recover.Was this such a campaign ploy to sway the minions that you’ve been able to mesmerize with your charm and charisma? You really going to stop the war? Hello, check with your advisers, I am afraid its escalating! Yeah cut back on the nuclear warfare while Iran is developing missles to launch, promising to take out Israel and possibly one day come after us…

We are speaking Barry can you hear us? Do you care?

I hope you do! We the People
are Talking and we won’t be silenced…


What were they thinking, always best to be informed
