Tag Archives: November

You Will Hear Us In November

We are heading down the final stretch as we “The American Patriots” are determined to flip the house and possibly the senate on November 2, 2010
The progressive left is grasping at straws as it continues to malign the message of the Tea Party Movement as they have risen not only in power but in recognition. The movement is not only seen as a threat but has masterminded the nomination of several candidates across this nation to bring the message of “We The People” to the forefront. No longer will we remain silent as the federal government attempts to raise our taxes, take control of our healthcare, force cap and trade down our throats and continue to destroy the economy of our country for generations to come. According to Wallsten and Yadron

Already, the tea-party movement has helped to oust a number of incumbents and candidates backed by party leaders in this year’s GOP primaries amid complaints that they lacked commitment to small-government principles. The poll findings suggest that the rising influence of the movement, with its push to cut spending and oppose the Democratic agenda, will drive the GOP to become more conservative and less willing to seek common ground on policy.

We are seeking candidates that will hold true to the principles and values this country was founded upon. Once they realize they will answer to us, those who pandered to us will only be in office a short time as now with “the sleeping giant” awake, no longer will we allow the deception and lies to govern us. This is a nation of the people by the people and today that statement holds more meaning than it did several hundred years ago when they were penned by our founding fathers.We are fed up and we aren’t going to stand for this any longer…..

November; Reclaiming Our Freedoms

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States

It has become evident that this is one oath that this president had his fingers crossed when taking this oath, as he has yet to put America first; his idea of hope and change has wreaked havoc upon our economy and our way of life. Jobs are continuing to be lost with over 484,000 signing up for unemployment this past week. Summer of Recovery? I think not! This November most likely will be a most crucial time for Americans’s as we reclaim our freedoms and take back control of our country. No longer will we allow tyrants to be allowed to occupy our house. This administration has declared war upon the states…Now is the time for all good men to actually come to the aide of their country to fight the socialist agenda and the usurpation of our constitution………………………………………………………………….

Apparently, No We Don’t!

President Obama was elected in November of 2008 on the premise of “yes we can.” We have all seen the dismantling of our country with one take over after another, corporations being under government control, rising deficits, a government run a muck, drunk on power unfounded. He raises his chin up in arrogance, thinking that we the people support his ideologies of change, but, “apparently, we don’t.” We rebuke him and his efforts to change America with his socialistic agendas and we are now on a mission come this November to remind Obama that this country was founded upon the basis of WE THE PEOPLE, and it will be us that sends this administration a clear message,with flipping the house and the senate and once again regaining control of both houses. However, in doing so it is our responsibility to elect those who share in the true form of government as laid out by our forefathers at the very birth of this nation. We are ONE nation, UNDER GOD and we will fight to our demise to see that this Chicago style thuggery and the ignoring of the will of the people once and for all to be ended. This is NOT a threat of violence, unlike those on the left that we’ve seen resort to those tactics, we the true American Conservatives will do so quietly with one vote at a time….Mark my words, a new day is arising in America and we will once again be a nation devoted to the writings of our framers and we will take this country back…

For The American Patriots: We Will Overcome..

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win. “ Ghandi

The American people have been ignored by their representatives, their senators as we’ve attended marches upon Washington, DC, attended town-hall meetings, jammed phone lines with calls, worn out the fax machines as we voiced our opposition to the health-care reform that was recently passed. But, yet we were ignored…
They have ridiculed us with their lame attempts by calling us “tea bagger, right-winged nuts.” This administration has stopped of nothing short of bribery, with their promises to help those who were persuaded to cast a “yes” vote on this most troubling piece of legislation. Obama stood before the American people and called out those with whom he thinks is throwing stumbling blocks before him, Congressman John Boehner, Senator Mitch McConnell and even Karl Rove….Many of the Attorney Generals have filed suit against this legislation stating it is unconstitutional and goes against the 10th amendment which clearly states……………………………………

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

We will win, we will over come. November is only eight months away. We have the majority in this one,the majority being the ones opposed to this form of tyranny. We can win because it is within our genetic make-up passed on from generations past to fight for the rights of this country. To protect its foundation and preserve the constitution as it was intended. Again I refer to Lincoln’s message…….

America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Many of us heard this song as children back in the sixties, one that remains true today..the message is clear, it is still relevant..for as Ghandi said, “we will win.” We will overcome…